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anniversary, celebrate

800th meeting, 20th anniversary TSPS

Dodane przez administrator - 21 March 2023

Over the past two decades, the club has grown into a thriving community of members who support each other in their personal and professional development. The club has helped countless individuals overcome their fear of public speaking and develop the skills and confidence needed to succeed in their careers and personal lives.

To celebrate this milestone anniversary, the club organized a special event that brought together current and former members, as well as friends and family members. The event featured speeches from past and present members, highlighting the impact that the club has had on their lives.

The event also included a ceremony to honor the club's 800th meeting to recognize that great achievement. It was a touching moment that reminded everyone of the importance of community and the value of supporting one another in our personal and professional growth.

These two big dates required two cakes to fit all the candles.

Toastmasters Szczecin Passionate Speakers club is a shining example of what can be achieved when individuals come together with a shared goal and a commitment to growth and learning. Congratulations to the club on its 20th anniversary, and here's to another 20 years of inspiring and empowering individuals to become their best selves.